And this particular shower head has a flexible hose. It’s also easy to reposition as you shower. You can wash your hair, your back and even feet without contorting your body in strange ways. Now you no longer have to twist and turn like before! This shower head allows you reach in to those really tricky spots that always get dirty. Goodbye to hard-to-reach spots that never get clean!
With a detachable shower head, you can clean any body with a Duschy easily. Yes, even the places that are difficult to reach! You have a strong water flow on the shower head, so every time you want to shower, you can make sure you get a really good clean. After each wash, you could be feeling fresh and clean!
One other thing to love about this færanlega sturtu is the flow settings. This means, you decide how you want the water to flow out. For a delicate wash, choose a soft flow. It feels nice and soothing, almost like a gentle massage. However, if you want a quick rinse, you can switch to a powerful water flow. You can also set the settings that work with your shower!
This incredible shower head has multiple spray options to select from. There’s a rain shower setting that makes the water feel like soft droplets raining down from above. There is a massage spray that relaxes your muscles too. And for something light and refreshing, you can mist spray. You can toggle between these various settings to enable a shower experience that works toward making you feel rejuvenated and fulfilled at the end of the workday.
Have you ever attempted to clean those pesky out of reach areas such as your back or your feet using a shower head which is stationary? Add on a layer of guesswork and it can be super challenging, and awkward! Not so, with a flexible shower hose from Duschy. You can roll the hose around to reach all the areas you need to wash.
It is easy to install and is made from strong and durable materials, which means that it will last for a long time. You’ll have to replace it any time soon! In addition, it is extremely easy to install. You can install it all by yourself and never have to get a plumber or handyman to help you. That means you won’t have to wait to start enjoying your new shower head!
To summarize, a Duschy removable shower head is a quality investment for anyone looking to change the way they use their shower. You can easily wash every inch of your body with its heart-flow power, various spray modes, and flexible hose. You will get to experience a spa-like shower in your home too.
Verksmiðjan okkar hefur verið traustur birgir fyrir stóra stórmarkaði eins og B&Q, Lidi, Aldi og Rewe á bæði evrópskum og amerískum baðherbergisvörumarkaði. Þetta langvarandi samstarf við virt vörumerki talar um getu okkar til að afhenda hágæða vörur sem standast alþjóðlegar væntingar.
Fyrirtækið okkar býður upp á mikið úrval af hágæða baðsturtuvörum, þar á meðal sturtuhausum, sturtusettum, rennistangum, sturtublöndunartækjum, sturtusúlum, sturtugardínustangum og ýmsum öðrum fylgihlutum. Þetta fjölbreytta úrval tryggir að við getum mætt þörfum mismunandi viðskiptavina, allt frá grunnuppsetningu til lúxussturtuuppsetningar.
Við erum stolt af skuldbindingu okkar um gæði og sjálfbærni. Verksmiðjan okkar hefur unnið sér inn vottun eins og ISO 9001 fyrir gæðastjórnun, ISO 14001 fyrir umhverfisstjórnun og staðist BSCI úttektir. Að auki uppfylla vörur okkar helstu alþjóðlega staðla þar á meðal TuV, CE, DVGW, KTW&W270, CUPC og WaterMark, sem tryggir að við afhendum áreiðanlegar og samhæfðar vörur til viðskiptavina um allan heim.
Við erum staðráðin í að auka sturtuupplifun viðskiptavina með því að fjárfesta stöðugt í háþróuðum búnaði og tækninýjungum. Framtíðarsýn okkar er að veita viðskiptavinum um allan heim yfirburða sturtuupplifun og við leitumst við að vera í fararbroddi í þróun iðnaðarins til að ná þessu markmiði.