In the mood for a tired ol’ shower and faucet? Would you like to have a new and lovely one that enhances beauty in the bathroom? If you answered “yes” to all of these questions, then Duschy is the answer for you to get the most out of your bathroom!
okkar shower faucet set not only looks good but also performs great. With a beautiful chrome finish, this item looks great in any bathroom. When you blame, you’ll bombard your bathroom with a modern new Pratt. The nifty design will also fit in well with any bathroom aesthetic. You can brag about to your friends and family!
Our showerhead has advanced technology that brings you high water output. That means you get a really good shower. It whipped you up in the morning and brings you closer than you are with your non-storm mates! Plus, the faucet is simple to use. You can instantaneously adjust the water temperature for it to be simply perfect for you. Easily adjusted whether you are a fan of warm or cool water!
með okkar bað sturtu blöndunartæki, bath time is a treat. As a result, you can trust that you will get many years of use out of it. You won't need to worry that it'll break or wear out. The showerhead is rust resistant, so it will remain nice and shiny. The valve is made of durable ceramic and built to last. This set will have you feeling like you are lounging at a high-end spa without ever having to leave your home!
Are you feeling scared of how difficult it would be to install a new shower and faucet? You will not have to worry at all! Our shower and faucet set is a Breeze to install. It ships with everything you need to get going, including all of the parts and straightforward instructions. You can do it all yourself, and you won’t have to pay a plumber to do it either. So you can have a new shower and faucet for no-fitness-funktion!
Turn your home bath into a great place to relax with our shower and faucet set. After a tiring day at school or work, the complete strong water flow from the showerhead will either put you in zero by all means relaxed state. Just picture walking into the shower with all your stress washing away! Plus, the lovely pattern of the set will add a touch of class to your bathroom, creating a nice place to unwind.
Við erum stolt af skuldbindingu okkar um gæði og sjálfbærni. Verksmiðjan okkar hefur unnið sér inn vottun eins og ISO 9001 fyrir gæðastjórnun, ISO 14001 fyrir umhverfisstjórnun og staðist BSCI úttektir. Að auki uppfylla vörur okkar helstu alþjóðlega staðla þar á meðal TuV, CE, DVGW, KTW&W270, CUPC og WaterMark, sem tryggir að við afhendum áreiðanlegar og samhæfðar vörur til viðskiptavina um allan heim.
Fyrirtækið okkar býður upp á mikið úrval af hágæða baðsturtuvörum, þar á meðal sturtuhausum, sturtusettum, rennistangum, sturtublöndunartækjum, sturtusúlum, sturtugardínustangum og ýmsum öðrum fylgihlutum. Þetta fjölbreytta úrval tryggir að við getum mætt þörfum mismunandi viðskiptavina, allt frá grunnuppsetningu til lúxussturtuuppsetningar.
Verksmiðjan okkar hefur verið traustur birgir fyrir stóra stórmarkaði eins og B&Q, Lidi, Aldi og Rewe á bæði evrópskum og amerískum baðherbergisvörumarkaði. Þetta langvarandi samstarf við virt vörumerki talar um getu okkar til að afhenda hágæða vörur sem standast alþjóðlegar væntingar.
Við erum staðráðin í að auka sturtuupplifun viðskiptavina með því að fjárfesta stöðugt í háþróuðum búnaði og tækninýjungum. Framtíðarsýn okkar er að veita viðskiptavinum um allan heim yfirburða sturtuupplifun og við leitumst við að vera í fararbroddi í þróun iðnaðarins til að ná þessu markmiði.