You also know a hand shower is a special tool for great shower time! Rather than being fixed in place like a standard shower head, you can lift it up and move it. It will make washing yourself easier and more fun than ever.
A hand shower allows you to wash every part of your body. A hand shower really makes it easy to get into some of those difficult to clean areas like your back and toes! This tool is ideal if you have trouble with bending or reaching. It allows everyone to be clean without fighting it.
You would not expect to be tired after playing sports or doing chores. Taking a hand shower can make you feel good! Adjust the way it sprays out the water. Others like barnacle-soft, gentle water that rains down as a spite against gravity. Others prefer vigorous water that feels like a little massage. You decide what sounds best for you.
Hand showers are also very much a help to our planet. They consume less water than a standard shower head. That means you can clean yourself and clean up the planet all at once. How cool is that? You can wash only the parts of yourself that are dirty, saving more water.
Did you know that you could do fun things with a hand shower? OR: Feel like giving your pet a wash in the shower? A hand shower makes it easy! You can also wash toys, scrub the shower walls, or simply play with the water. Each shower can be a mini adventure.
Hand showers are popular with parents and adults, as well. They can do a better job cleaning children. They clean hard spots in the shower. Others even use them to water plants or rinse things at the bathroom sink.
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